Spot Illustration; After the Crash. Arrival.

Opening Illustration; Strata of Refugees

AD: Lindsay Ballant
The Baffler, Issue 51
"We're Not in This Together" Article by Ajay Singh Chaudhary
[-There is no universal politics of climate change-]
"The more aggressive forms of what I have been calling right-wing climate realism are what Christian Parenti calls the “politics of the armed lifeboat.” However, Parenti deems such politics “bound to fail,” not on grounds of insufficient adaptation and mitigation or catastrophic outcomes but rather because “if climate change is allowed to destroy whole economies and nations, no amount of walls, guns, barbed wire, armed aerial drones, or permanently deployed mercenaries will be able to save one half of the planet from the other.” But this is highly uncertain, not particularly likely, and certainly not automatic."